Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Uganda Celebration 2015

This past weekend, my team gathered to celebrate the wonderful things God has done through us, our supporters and the people of the Revival Mission Church in Eastern Uganda. It was a great success! There was delicious food, preachimonies and lots of pictures! We began our presentation with this short video that provided an overview of our time in Uganda this past summer:

We then used this slideshow, found HERE, as a starting point for our time of sharing and discussion. Following the formal presentation, many people stuck around to eat the bounty that was shared by our Ugandan friends. It was very exciting to share what we have done, and look forward to what is to come! Thoughts and prayers are already being had about summer 2016!

Stay tuned for more information!

You are loved.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Bukigai: Church Construction

Most of what we give and get in Uganda is intangible: love, stories, relationships, encouragement, joy, praise, worship, prayer. We leave with fuller hearts, overflowing with testimony to the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ. Countless "God moments" throughout our short time in Uganda.

The biggest tangible contribution we have made to the community in Bukigai is the financial provision for their new church. Three years ago, Alex and Milly Wori were sent with the beginning funds to start the foundation of a new church.
You can see the original papyrus structure on the left, and the men building the foundation.

Two summers ago, our large team of thirteen people were able to raise enough money to bring up the walls. It was awesome to watch as our local brothers literally and figurative brought up the walls the re-ignited the light of this church body.

This last year we watched the building transform as a roof was constructed and completed. Leading up to our trip, and even while we were in country, we received an abundance of support so that we could also put in doors and windows. It was truly magical leaving the village knowing our brothers and sisters would have their first sunday worship in their new, fully enclosed building very soon

We left the village at this stage in the construction.

Very soon after, it was totally enclosed! 

The people in Bukigai are very excited about this new building! It is the biggest structure for miles, and people are already inquiring on how to rent it out! It speaks volumes of the BIG God that wishes to do BIG things in the people of Eastern Uganda. On our first day in the village this past summer, the choir of the church, called Bukigai Revival Mission Church (BRMC) sang us the original song!

Bye bye the church of papyrus
We are now in a concrete one
We congratulate you our friends from UCC
And the partners who supported us

We were ignorant people in papyrus
(something) with nothing to do
We appreciate you for the love that you showed us
Because now we shine shine shine

Praise God! It is honor to spread His provision and blessings to our brothers and sisters across the globe. Thank you for partnering with us! 

You are loved.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Sometimes, I just don't feel like worshipping. I am tired or disconnected or distracted. I don't have the warm, tingling sensation as a I sing out to our great Lord. I lack the reverence, the joy and the heart-felt connection that I am used too. That I long for.

Sometimes I feel disingenuous when I sing and do not feel these emotions or sensations. Am I really worshipping if my heart is not in it?

Yes. It is worship irregardless of how I feel about it. It is not about me, or my feelings, or my "place with God." It is about Him, His feelings and His place in my life. It is about praising His name, his works, His goodness, His work on the cross and the grace He has extended. We are to praise Him every morning and every night, in the good times but especially in the bad. Our feelings do not dictate Him, or His worthiness to be praise.

God designed us to be worshipful beings that sing out His praises all day long. But we don't live in that perfect world, and sometimes its okay to sing out when you don't feel like it. Actually, it is probably more meaningful when we worship in our yuckiness, in our despair, in our pain. Sometimes it's about obedience, and singing to Him because he deserves it, all the time, any time.

One time I asked Milly, our resident Ugandan, if she ever felt like not worshipping. Has she ever experienced the lack of desire to sing out praises? Her answer was an adamant no. "There is no place I would rather be than worshipping my Lord." She isn't kidding, and she is for real. This woman is the epitome of Holy Spirit filled and inspired.

Her intention was not to make me feel bad, or to compare. Her only responsibility is to our one true God. I am sure there are times when she does not feel the goodness and the greatness of our Lord. But ultimately she knows that is isn't about her, or me, or you. It is about Him, His son and His spirit. May we worship Him today, tomorrow and always. Because He deserves it, requires it and desires it.

You are loved.